查看目录结构 tree -a -L 1
, 结构如下:
├── .bundle
├── .eslintrc.js # eslint的配置文件
├── .gitignore # git 忽略文件
├── .idea # idea 配置文件
├── .node-version # node 版本
├── .prettierrc.js # 代码格式化规则
├── .watchmanconfig # Watchman的配置文件,用于监控bug文件和文件变化,并且可以出发指定的操作
├── App.tsx # app根组件
├── Gemfile # gem 依赖配置文件
├── Gemfile.lock # gem 依赖的版本锁定
├── __tests__ # 测试文件
├── android # Android文件所在目录,包含AndroidStudio项目环境文件
├── app.json # 工程配置的常量
├── babel.config.js # Babel的配置文件
├── index.js # 工程入口文件
├── ios # iOS文件所在目录,包含XCode项目环境
├── metro.config.js # 这个是facebook的工程构建文件,这个不需要做任何的修改
├── node_modules # 主要存放根据package.json文件声明的依赖
├── package.json # 项目基本信息(比如名称、版本、许可证等元数据)以及依赖信息(npm install安装的模块)等
├── package-lock.json # package.json 版本锁定文件
├── tsconfig.json # typescript编译配置文件
├── vendor # 存放gem 安装的包
└── yarn.lock # 依赖版本锁定文件
8 directories, 16 files
项目的配置文件,存放了一些公共的配置项{ "name": "AwesomeProject", "displayName": "AwesomeProject" }
项目的入口文件,一切初始化的加载和初始化配置都放在这里/** * @format */ import {AppRegistry} from 'react-native'; import App from './App'; import {name as appName} from './app.json'; AppRegistry.registerComponent(appName, () => App);
实际的 React Native 代码,项目的根视图/** * Sample React Native App * https://github.com/facebook/react-native * * @format */ import React from 'react'; import type {PropsWithChildren} from 'react'; import { SafeAreaView, ScrollView, StatusBar, StyleSheet, Text, useColorScheme, View, } from 'react-native'; import { Colors, DebugInstructions, Header, LearnMoreLinks, ReloadInstructions, } from 'react-native/Libraries/NewAppScreen'; type SectionProps = PropsWithChildren<{ title: string; }>; function Section({children, title}: SectionProps): JSX.Element { const isDarkMode = useColorScheme() === 'dark'; return ( <View style={styles.sectionContainer}> <Text style={[ styles.sectionTitle, { color: isDarkMode ? Colors.white : Colors.black, }, ]}> {title} </Text> <Text style={[ styles.sectionDescription, { color: isDarkMode ? Colors.light : Colors.dark, }, ]}> {children} </Text> </View> ); } function App(): JSX.Element { const isDarkMode = useColorScheme() === 'dark'; const backgroundStyle = { backgroundColor: isDarkMode ? Colors.darker : Colors.lighter, }; return ( <SafeAreaView style={backgroundStyle}> <StatusBar barStyle={isDarkMode ? 'light-content' : 'dark-content'} backgroundColor={backgroundStyle.backgroundColor} /> <ScrollView contentInsetAdjustmentBehavior="automatic" style={backgroundStyle}> <Header /> <View style=> <Section title="Step One"> Edit <Text style={styles.highlight}>App.tsx</Text> to change this screen and then come back to see your edits. </Section> <Section title="See Your Changes"> <ReloadInstructions /> </Section> <Section title="Debug"> <DebugInstructions /> </Section> <Section title="Learn More"> Read the docs to discover what to do next: </Section> <LearnMoreLinks /> </View> </ScrollView> </SafeAreaView> ); } const styles = StyleSheet.create({ sectionContainer: { marginTop: 32, paddingHorizontal: 24, }, sectionTitle: { fontSize: 24, fontWeight: '600', }, sectionDescription: { marginTop: 8, fontSize: 18, fontWeight: '400', }, highlight: { fontWeight: '700', }, }); export default App;